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MyHealthCoach: 2025 Health and Wellness Vision

Time to Zoom In and Zoom Out: January is considered a time of fresh starts and re-dos.

Fri Jan 3, 2025

Jan. 3, 2025

January is considered a time of fresh starts and re-dos. On January 1st, we often hear the motto, “New Year, New You!” This is the time when we proclaim our resolutions for the year, vowing to change ourselves or society for the better. And then we reach January 12th, also known as “Quitters Day.” Is it hard to believe that 80-90% of people give up on their New Year’s resolutions? Why don’t they work for so many people?

Resolutions tend to be general and without structure. We may commit to going to the gym, saving more money or eating better. Although inspiring, a goal can lack a clear focus as to why it is important and often fails to include a plan to carry it out. When we are unable to follow through with our resolution, discouragement, guilt, and shame can set in. Perhaps a better approach is to start with a vision. A vision can serve as a guidepost for how we want our life to look and can help us stay rooted as we grow. When you stand firmly in your personal vision of what you want your life to be, great change and transformation can occur.

To create a vision, you can start by widening the lens around your life. Reflect on 2024, and ask yourself: What were my accomplishments? What challenges did I face. What have I learned? Applying these questions to different areas of your life, such as health (physical, social, emotional, mental, spiritual), work, relationships, family, etc., can encourage you to imagine how you want to live your best life. Exploring and staying curious can help you picture what that could look like.

Sounds easy, right? Well maybe your reflection on the past year reminds you of the struggles and the stress. When difficult things happen, we naturally zoom in on the situation and sometimes we allow it to take over the bigger picture. This is where zooming out can help. When you feel consumed by your circumstance, expand your lens. This can allow space to form solutions that don’t just put out fires but prevent them from starting in the first place. Life is messy and throws up roadblocks along the way. Course correction may be needed, and this is when it is helpful to zoom out to remember the vision and look at the big picture.

So, when do we zoom in? Once a vision is established and you’re firmly grounded in it, it’s time to zoom in. A particular vison can seem overwhelming at first. Gradually sharpening your focus to create a roadmap of manageable steps allows space for desired habits to take hold and it becomes easier to track progress along the way. Zooming in and setting goals that are realistic and practical for your life can narrow and simplify the view, help launch you into action, and keep the momentum building along the way.  

Say your vision for 2025 is to start a better self-care routine and feel healthy and happy! When looking back to 2024, you realize that you often felt over-stressed and short on time, making you less likely to eat well, sleep well, or exercise. In your vision, you imagine yourself eating healthier food, exercising, getting seven hours of sleep, feeling relaxed, and smiling more! You picture yourself and you are feeling good and looking good. Now you have this vision but are not sure where to start. You can create structure for the vision by breaking down self-care and health into specific lifestyle areas: stress, sleep, exercise, nutrition, etc. and create a step-by-step plan or blueprint for each. For example, pack healthy lunches for the next day right after dinner each night, set your workout clothes and shoes next to your nightstand, go device-free for 30 minutes before bed, and practice a daily meditation every morning after pouring your coffee. Focusing on one area at a time, and setting goals that are SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound,) brings order to the chaos. As you work towards each goal, you can establish a series of habits that contribute to a successful self-care routine and healthier lifestyle overall. You’ll notice how the vision starts to take shape and become your reality.  

This is an ongoing journey, so remember, it’s progress, not perfection. By adjusting your field of view, perspective shifts. That can trigger powerful personal growth. Trust that real and lasting change can start with creating a vision and then connecting the dots to get there. So try your zoom lens and focus in and out for 2025!

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