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International Trade

SPI 301/ECO 352

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This course examines the causes and consequences of international trade. We investigate why nations trade, what goods they export and import, and who gains and loses from trade. We then focus on economic and political motives for countries to regulate international trade and examine the economic effects of trade policies. Topics will include the connection between globalization and wage inequality, the effects of the "China Shock" on the U.S. economy and politics, the implications of global value chains, the motivation for trade agreements, and the consequences of recent events such as the US-China Trade War, BREXIT, and COVID-19.
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Section L01

Section P01

Section P02

Section P99

  • Type: Precept
  • Section: P99
  • Status: C
  • Enrollment: 0
  • Capacity: 0
  • Class Number: 42460