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Fascism in Italian Cinema

ITA 312/VIS 445

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This course, conducted in English, is a study of Fascism through selected films from World War II to the present. Topics include: the concept of Fascist normality; Racial Laws; the role of women and homosexuals; colonialism; and the opposition of the intellectual left. Films include: Bertolucci's "The Conformist", Fellini's "Amarcord", Rossellini's "Rome Open City", Cavani's "Night Porter", and Wertmüller's "Seven Beauties". The approach is interdisciplinary and combines the analysis of historical themes with an in-depth cinematic reading of the films.
Sections tab content

Section L01

Section P01

Section P02

Section P99

  • Type: Precept
  • Section: P99
  • Status: C
  • Enrollment: 0
  • Capacity: 0
  • Class Number: 40992