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An Integrated, Quantitative Introduction to the Natural Sciences I

ISC 231/CHM 231/COS 231/MOL 231/PHY 231

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An integrated, mathematically and computationally sophisticated introduction to physics, chemistry, molecular biology, and computer science. This year long, four course sequence is a multidisciplinary course taught across multiple departments with the following faculty: COS: O. Troyanskaya; EEB: J. Akey; LSI: B. Bratton, J. Gadd, A. Mayer, Q. Wang; MOL: E. Wieschaus, M. Wuhr; PHY: T. Gregor, J. Shaevitz. Five hours of lecture, one three-hour lab, one three-hour precept, one required evening problem session.
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Section B01

Section B02

Section C01

Section L01