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Becoming Latino in the U.S.

HIS 306/LAO 306/LAS 326

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History 306 studies all Latinos in the US, from those who have (im)migrated from across Latin America to those who lived in what became US lands. The course covers the historical origins of debates over land ownership, the border, assimilation expectations, discrimination, immigration regulation, intergroup differences, civil rights activism, and labor disputes. History 306 looks transnationally at Latin America's history by exploring shifts in US public opinion and domestic policies. By the end of the course, students will have a greater understanding and appreciation of how Latinos became an identifiable group in the US.
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Section L01

Section P01

Section P02

Section P03

Section P99

  • Type: Precept
  • Section: P99
  • Status: C
  • Enrollment: 0
  • Capacity: 0
  • Class Number: 42768