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Die Hauptstadt der Bewegung: Infrastructure and Society in Munich under National Socialism

GER 318G

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Why did Munich and the Free State of Bavaria become a symbolic locus of the National Socialist movement and, for a time, Adolf Hitler's personal administrative unit? How did fascist aesthetics and the desire to restructure society affect the organization of the city? What forms of resistance arose in an intellectual climate Thomas Mann once ascribed to the reactionary qualities of a "dumb city"? This course examines architecture, society, and intellectual life in the so-called Capital of the Movement through various disciplinary lenses and media, including historical sources, literature, film, and visits to municipal and regional sites.
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Section C01

  • Type: Class
  • Section: C01
  • Status: O
  • Enrollment: 9
  • Capacity: 12
  • Class Number: 10008
  • Schedule: MW 01:30 PM-04:00 PM