Route 3: Merwick to PPPL via Meadows
Merwick to PPPL via Meadows
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Updated at 4:33 PM.
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- Merwick Stanworth ApartmentsArriving in 18, 24, 53, 59, 88, 94, 123 & 129 mins
- Firestone Library on Nassau St.Arriving in 30, 65, 100 & 135 mins
- McCosh Walk on Washington Road (SB)Arriving in 32, 67, 103 & 137 mins
- Goheen Walk at Washington (SB)Arriving now and in 33, 68, 103 & 138 mins
- Meadows Drive GarageArriving in 4, 7, 39, 42, 75, 77, 109, 112, 144 & 147 mins
- Princeton Medical CenterArriving in 15, 50, 85 & 120 mins
- Forrestal (SB)Arriving in 19, 54, 89 & 124 mins
- PPPLArriving in 29, 64, 99 & 134 mins
- Goheen Walk at Washington (NB)Arriving in 9, 44, 79 & 114 mins
- McCosh Walk on Washington Road (NB)Arriving in 10, 45, 81 & 115 mins
- Nassau Street at Palmer Sq. (WB)Arriving in 14, 48, 84 & 118 mins