Acting against Oppression
FRS 173
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Many Latin American performance artists have reimagined the use of theater to challenge social and political structures. Boal's 'Theater of the Oppressed', Teatro Yuyachkani, TiT, Teatro Trono, and more, challenge, subvert, and manipulate classic Eurocentric theater perspectives to spur awareness and action in their audiences. Through readings, discussion, viewing, writing, improv and play we will explore these artists' work, theatrical origins, and socio/geopolitical contexts. We will apply inspired tactics to our own work. Spanish not required. Acting experience not required. Willingness to play and take risks is integral to class.
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Section S01
- Type: Seminar
- Section: S01
- Status: O
- Enrollment: 5
- Capacity: 15
- Class Number: 40039
- Schedule: M 01:30 PM-04:20 PM - Blair Hall T5