Investigative Theater for a Changing Climate
THR 314/ENV 301/MTD 314
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How do you tell a story about climate change that dynamically engages its audiences without overwhelming or boring them? We will explore this question and others through readings and discussions, and we will make an original work of theater. Employing the methods of investigative theater, the class will create a script or performance text by pursuing a creative inquiry into some aspect of climate change. Each student will do creative research including interviews; collaborate on a script by editing and writing original material; and work with a team to put the show on its feet. Previous theater experience not required.
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Section U01
- Type: Studio
- Section: U01
- Status: O
- Enrollment: 6
- Capacity: 12
- Class Number: 42710
- Schedule: M 01:30 PM-04:20 PM - Berlind Theater 002