Topics in Economics: Energy Economics
SPI 581C
Info tab content
Examines the economics behind many issues related to energy use, including the investment and use of renewable and non-renewable resources, energy conservation, deregulation of energy markets, transportation, and energy independence. Current policy options will be discussed.
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Sections tab content
Section L01
- Type: Lecture
- Section: L01
- Status: C
- Enrollment: 18
- Capacity: 18
- Class Number: 22846
- Schedule: Th 09:00 AM-12:00 PM - Robertson Hall 029
Section P01
- Type: Precept
- Section: P01
- Status: C
- Enrollment: 0
- Capacity: 0
- Class Number: 22847
- Schedule: M 03:00 PM-04:00 PM
Section P02
- Type: Precept
- Section: P02
- Status: C
- Enrollment: 0
- Capacity: 0
- Class Number: 22848
- Schedule: Th 04:00 PM-05:00 PM