Gilded Age and Progressive-Era United States, 1877-1920
HIS 377
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This course explains a turbulent and transformative era in United States history, from the dismantling of Reconstruction to the aftermath of World War One (c. 1877-1920). Lectures and readings examine the nature of Reconstruction and its destruction; economic inequality in the Gilded Age and the political movements that challenged it; the relationship of financial and industrial capitalism; the making of the American middle class and the contradictions of Progressivism; the politics of white supremacy and the construction of Jim Crow regimes; mobilization for World War 1 and wartime contests over civil liberties; postwar social upheaval.
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Sections tab content
Section L01
- Type: Lecture
- Section: L01
- Status: O
- Enrollment: 9
- Capacity: 20
- Class Number: 42202
- Schedule: MW 01:30 PM-02:20 PM - Green Hall 1-S-5
Section P01
- Type: Precept
- Section: P01
- Status: O
- Enrollment: 8
- Capacity: 12
- Class Number: 42203
- Schedule: W 02:30 PM-03:20 PM - Green Hall 0-N-2
Section P02
- Type: Precept
- Section: P02
- Status: C
- Enrollment: 0
- Capacity: 0
- Class Number: 42204
- Schedule: Th 10:00 AM-10:50 AM
Section P03
- Type: Precept
- Section: P03
- Status: O
- Enrollment: 1
- Capacity: 12
- Class Number: 43617
- Schedule: Th 02:30 PM-03:20 PM
Section P99
- Type: Precept
- Section: P99
- Status: C
- Enrollment: 0
- Capacity: 0
- Class Number: 42824